As both our schools are situated in a village, with the Infants located in a one way road, issues around parking have been becoming an increasing problem. This is affecting both the wellbeing of our local residents and the safety of our children, walking to and from school.
With the support of the Responsible Parking banners and literature from the team at KCC, we have been able to highlight this problem.
The banners have helped to readdress the need for our zig zags to remain free from cars and has been great in reinforcing that this includes “drop off” and “pick up” of the children.
Every adult has received a copy of the literature which again has helped to re-educate around double/ single yellow lines, double parking and avoiding other hazardous locations.
The children, who have recently joined the reception classes, have received a talk from the local KCC Wardens to help reinforce the message. The children are currently producing posters to promote safety around their schools.
This initiative has proved to be a positive scheme, to encourage car users to think about where they park and the impact on others.
Michelle Weston – KCC Warden